How to Create a Pitch Deck That Will Wow Investors

If you're looking for venture capital to help grow your business, you'll need to create a pitch deck to impress potential investors. Your pitch deck should be well-organized and concise, and it should highlight the key points of your business plan.

Karri Saarinen presenting at Nordic Design

Photo by Teemu Paananen / Unsplash

In this blog post, we'll provide tips on how to create a powerful pitch deck that will make an impression on investors. Let's get started!

What is a Pitch Deck and Why Do You Need One?

A pitch deck is a presentation that entrepreneurs use to secure funding from investors. The presentation is typically used to provide an overview of the business, and it should include core information about the company's products or services, the market opportunity, the team, financial projections, and more.

Pitch decks are usually between 10-20 slides, and they're designed to give investors a high-level overview of the business. The goal is to get your audience interested in your business and to want to learn more.

Creating a pitch deck can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. By following the tips below, you can create a pitch deck that will stand out in your next meeting.

The Components of a Great Investor Pitch Deck

Every good pitch deck should include the following components:

An overview of the business

This is where you'll provide an overview of your business, including what you do, your target market, and your competitive advantage.

The problem you're solving

You'll need to clearly articulate the problem that your business is solving. This is one of the most important parts of your pitch, as potential investors will want to know that there's a large market opportunity for your solution.

Your solution

Once you've articulated the problem, you'll need to provide a detailed explanation of your solution. Be sure to highlight how your business plan is unique and why it's the best option for solving the problem.

The market opportunity

You'll need to convince investors that there's a large market opportunity for your business idea. This means providing data on the size of the market including future market growth and explaining why there's a need for your product or service.

The business model

You'll need to explain how your business model will make money. This includes key information on your pricing strategy, revenue streams, potential ROI, and target customers.

The team

Investors will want to know who's behind the company, so be sure to include information on the founding and management team, their experience, and their qualifications.

The financials

Finally, you'll need to provide financial projections for the next 3-5 years. This should include key metrics on your revenue, expenses, and profits.

Tips for Creating Pitch Decks

Now that you know the components of a great pitch deck, let's take a look at some tips for creating pitch decks that will wow your audience.

Keep it concise

As we mentioned earlier, your pitch deck should be between 10-20 slides. This may seem like a small amount of space to present your whole business, but it's important to remember that investors are busy people and they don't have time to sit through long presentations.

By keeping your pitch deck concise, you'll be able to capture their attention and give them the information they need to make an informed decision.

Remember, you're just trying to give investors a general overview of your business and what you're looking to achieve.

Use simple language

When creating your pitch deck, it's important to use simple language that can be understood by everyone. Avoid using jargon or acronyms, as not everyone will be familiar with them.

You want to make sure that your pitch is easy to follow so that investors can focus on the content, not trying to decipher what you're saying.

Tell a story

A great way to engage your audience is to tell a story about your business. This can be done by sharing your company's origin story or by highlighting how your product or service has helped solve a problem for your customers. When telling a story, be sure to focus on the emotions and don't get too bogged down on too much detail.

You want your audience to connect with your business on a personal level so that they're more likely to invest.

Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

What makes your business unique? This is something that you'll need to communicate to an investor if you want them to invest in your company.

Be sure to highlight your unique selling proposition in your pitch deck and explain how it gives you a competitive advantage in the market.

Use visuals

Investors are bombarded with information on a daily basis, so it's important to make your pitch deck visually appealing. Use charts, graphs, and infographics to illustrate your points and make your data visualizations more engaging.

Remember, people are more likely to remember information that is presented visually, so this is a great way to make a lasting impression on investors.

Practice, practice, practice

Once you've created your pitch deck, it's important to practice delivering it until you have it down pat. This may seem like a lot of work, but it's important to remember that you only have one chance to make a good first impression.

By practicing your presentation, you'll be able to deliver it with confidence and ensure that you're covering all of the key points.

Tips for Rehearsing Your Pitch

Now that you've created your pitch deck, it's time to practice delivering it. Here are a few tips to help you rehearse your presentation and make sure you're covering all of the key points.

Time yourself

One of the most important things to do when rehearsing your pitch deck is to time yourself.

This will ensure that you're not going over the allotted time for your presentation. Remember, investors are busy people and they don't have time to sit through a long presentation. By timing yourself, you'll be able to edit your presentation so that it's the perfect length.

Practice in front of a mirror

Another great way to rehearse your presentation is to practice in front of a mirror. This will help you to see how you come across to others and make sure that you're using proper body language.

Practice with friends or family

It can also be helpful to practice your presentation with friends or family members. This will give you a chance to get feedback on your pitch presentation and make any necessary changes.

Use props

If you have any props that can help to illustrate your points, be sure to use them when rehearsing your pitch. This will help you to get a feel for how they'll be used in the actual presentation and ensure that they're properly set up.

Record yourself

A great way to see how you come across when delivering your presentation is to record yourself. This will allow you to go back and watch your delivery to see what you can improve.

Presenting Your Pitch Deck to Investors

Once you've created your investor pitch deck and practiced your presentation, it's time to deliver it to investors. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your meeting.

Arrive early

Be sure to arrive early for your meeting so that you have time to set up and make any last-minute changes. This will also give you a chance to relax and calm your nerves before the presentation.

Dress for success

First impressions are important, so be sure to dress for success when meeting with investors. Wear clothing that is professional and makes you look and feel confident.

Be prepared for questions

Investors will likely have questions about your business, so it's important to be prepared for them. Be sure to rehearse answers to common questions so that you're ready for anything.

Follow up

After your meeting, be sure to follow up with the investors. Send them a thank-you note and keep them updated on your progress. This will show that you're serious about your business and appreciate their time.

Final Thoughts

Creating a pitch deck that will wow investors is essential to securing the funding you need to take your business to the next level.

By following the tips we’ve outlined in this post, you can create a pitch presentation that is both professional and persuasive. Remember to keep it concise and focus on your key points, and don’t be afraid to practice until you have it down pat.

With a little hard work and some help from our team, you’re sure to impress potential investors and secure the funds you need for success. Are you ready to start putting together your pitch deck? Let us know how we can help!